Monday, June 28, 2010

Dropdead - 2nd LP

This album is so heavy that after you listen to it you might just drop dead. Hehe

Genre: Hardcore Punk, Powerviolence, Crust Punk

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ride - Nowhere

Keep on shoegazing in the free world.

Genre: Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Alternative Rock, Neo-Psychedelia

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Paysage d'Hiver - Winterkaelte

An hour and a half of "winter". Can you take it? Alright... Can you enjoy it? If so, congratulations, you're one of the few people I know that can (including myself).

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal, Ambient

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Diplo - Florida

The first place I heard a song from this album was in the game SSX On Tour for the Gamecube when I was eleven years old. It wasn't until the summer of 2009 when I remembered about the song and was extremely curious as to what the rest of the album sounded like. I ended up lucking out and finding a very good release.

Genre: Instrumental Hip Hop, Electronic

GZA/Genius - Liquid Swords

Third and last rap/hip hop album I'll be posting today. Enjoy.

Genre: East Cost Hip Hop, Hardcore Hip Hop, Conscious Hip Hop, Political Hip Hop

DJ Shadow- Endtroducing...

Second of the three rap/hip hop albums I'll be uploading today.

Genre: Instrumental Hip Hop, Experimental Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Turntableism

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory

This is one of three rap/hip hop albums I'll be uploading as requested by a buddy of mine.

Genre: East Cost Hip Hop, Jazz Rap, Conscious Rap